Kids Yoga School
Kids Yoga School

Yoga in schools

Our programme combines all the benefits yoga has to offer in a
fun, exciting and energetic format. Focussing on mindfulness,
breath awareness, movement and exercises that build flexibility
and balance. There is no other form of exercise that offers such a
wide range of movement like yoga does. Besides the obvious
benefits of yoga in helping us be stronger and more flexible, yoga
for children also helps in developing coordination, balance, and
many other important motor skills. Our yoga classes offer fast and
active play as well as developing tools for relaxation. This brings
awareness to the body and individual parts of the body being
stretched, strengthened or relaxed during the practice. Bringing
awareness to our body helps to foster a healthy love and
appreciation of the wonderful beings we are. Furthermore self-
awareness allows us to be more fully present in what we are doing
now without being distracted by if’s and but’s.

We believe consistency and repetition are important to learn the
basics of yoga and all its benefits so we recommend a 6-8 week
after school programme. However, we can work with what suits you
and your students best.

One important benefit children’s yoga has to offer is that it involves
interaction. We share mats, we perform partner and group poses,
we are creative as a group and always encouraging each other.
Through yoga we learn to respect and honour for ourselves, for
each other and for our environment. As we explore the world
through a guided magical journey around the world for example,
we are learning about other countries and cultures. Through the
incorporation of many yoga poses based on animals we are
learning about different animal habitats, endangered species and
maybe even about global issues such as recycling! All this masked
in a class for of fun, laughter, movement, building friendships,
learning to connect with themselves, each other and the world
around us.

Benefits of Children’s Yoga

Sketches & Stretches is a super, little yoga, dance and wellness
company serving Kildare and beyond, offering a mixture of yoga,
music and dance classes for families, preschools, schools and
more. We are mobile and can deliver classes in your space as well
as our own.

  • Improves strength and flexibility
  • Increases self-confidence and builds a positive self-image
  • Increases emotional resilience
  • Nourishes creativity
  • Helps to balance body and mind
  • Teaches self-acceptance and self-love
  • Increases sensory awareness and general body awareness
  • Builds coordination and balance
  • Expands awareness of nature, animals and the environment
  • Helps children build inner strength
  • Teaches how to relax and reduce stress
  • Encourages compassion, generosity and respect
  • Increases awareness of breathing and deepens the breath
  • Is non-competitive
  • Encourages cooperation and teamwork