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Minimum amount of students per class is 4. 10 in total is a comfortable number to have fun with, however, it does depend on the space available for the class. Either way we want our classes to be an enjoyable experience so classes will always be safe, clean and fun.

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Yoga is the practice of controlled breathing, meditation and a series of poses with the body.   We can shape our bodies in so many cool ways and also stretch it to boost our flexibility. Yoga not only assists with strengthening the body but also quieting the mind. By quieting and calming the mind, a person can better focus, self-manage emotions or find a chance to relax. Depending on the series of poses performed, yoga can also provide a physical challenge.  Different yoga sequences can be created to increase in difficulty as you master certain poses. Partner poses can help us to balance in more challenging poses. It is always better to do Yoga together!

Mindfulness is being aware of one’s thoughts and thought processes. This can be achieved in many fun and engaging ways so that children don’t get bored or confused by the process. By paying attention to your own thought process, you can understand why something makes you feel a certain way. This practice is great to start early in life, especially in adolescence since many emotions can be new and overwhelming. Mindfulness is good in times of sadness, anger, stress or even happiness. Mindfulness can also help your child to consider how do their actions affect others. We learn to respect each other, our planet, be kind, be grateful and so much more.

Breath can flow in many ways through the body. Special breathing techniques are beneficial because they teach children to channel their breath to work for them in situations of stress or relaxation. Breath can be moved, slowed down, quickened or deepened depending on what you are trying to achieve. Like bunny breath is quick inhale, controlled exhale. Why not put your bunny ears on and we can be bunnies while practicing this super technique.

We are a mobile yoga company meaning we can go wherever our students want us. However we do have our own space if you prefer to use that. Once we have a class of 4 students we can deliver our yoga class wherever suits you.

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Yoga is extremely beneficial for kids because it not only promotes being active but also provides a platform to deal with complex emotions. Yoga is very personal, and it emphasizes self-reflection through practice. As you practice more and more you start to see results and begin to focus on them as opposed to the self-doubt that we all have in the back of our minds.
As children grow up, it is our responsibility to teach them how to deal with their emotions and overcome diversity.

Schools can benefit very much from yoga. Not only does it provide some variety in how kids get their exercise, but it also teaches children how to focus their mind and pay more attention in class. By using their ability to focus on breath and posture, children can fine-tune their attention span and put it towards their studies.

Meditation is the practice of controlled breathing and clearing the mind. It can be done sitting, laying down or through yoga. Our breath is our life source and reconnecting with that can be extremely beneficial for our soul. The act of clearing the clutter in our mind is a way to control stress. We live in a world today that runs a million miles a second. It is very easy to get swept up in the chaos and we forget to slow down and enjoy the little moments of life. Taking just a few minutes to relax and breathe has huge benefits for us all.

Families benefit greatly from their children practicing yoga. We are in a technological age that makes distraction very easy, especially to young minds. By practicing yoga, your child will be encouraged to be active, focus more in school and hopefully more inclined to better communicate feelings with family members. The beauty of yoga is that every time you practice, you learn something about yourself and it challenges you to do better in your life.
Everyone learns differently and at their own pace. Yoga is not a competition, it is a self-practice so as long as you give it your all, progress can be made.