Sketches & Stretches Logo Transparent
Sketches & Stretches Logo Transparent

Sketches & Stretches

Sketches & Stretches is a super, little yoga, dance and wellness
company serving Kildare and beyond, offering a mixture of yoga,
music and dance classes for families, preschools, schools and
more. We are mobile and can deliver classes in your space as well
as our own.


For awhile I was teaching spanish as an after school activity and it
reminded me just how much I enjoy working with children but i
wanted to offer something more. I feel upon Rainbow Kids Yoga
and fell in love with their philisophy regarding children and the
importance of “FUN”. We are all very focussed on the importance
of health and exercise, the imporance of education, discipline and
so on but what about just having fun. So I embarked on a new
journey!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ullamcorper condimentum ultrices. Cras euismod ornare laoreet. Quisque vel efficitur quam, eu molestie odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer diam sapien, aliquet sit amet feugiat vel, tempor nec leo.

Sadly due to Covid all my training had to be done on-line and my
children became my audience. We had moments, however, in
general we all loved every minute of it. Those happy Woo-Hoo
endorphins helped us get through quite a challenging and different
time in all of our lives during the pandemic. Having “Fun” makes us
happy, helps us to release tension and emotions. Rainbow Yoga
Kids Training is all about making yoga fun.

Yoga is a fun and educational way for children to develop a variety
of life skills. It offers a wide range of movements, exercising the
mind and strenthens the breath. Rainbow Yoga is all about
interacion and co-creation. Developing social skills by doing
partner and group poses increasing self-confidnece and creativity.


Here at Sketches & Stretches we embrace Rainbow Yoga’s
philosophy and offer a wide range of classes to meet every child’s
needs. Our classes are about Yoga, Dance, working together,
creating magical stories and so much more while having lots and
lots of fun.

Kids Yoga Class
Kids Yoga Class

If you are interested in learning about yoga for you, your family or even to teach I strongly recommend Rainbow Yoga. Further informaiton can be found at

What is Rainbow Kids Yoga Training?

Rainbow Kids Yoga is a fun and constantly evolving family
managed and love-inspired business, run by Angel and Gopala
Yaffa. It was lovingley born in 2007, with the intention of giving
people the tools to teach fun, engaging, and creative Yoga classes
for children, families, partners and communities. Our yoga is
interactive and social, it is all about connections; we touch, we
hug, we move together and we co-create the class in a magical
way that creates a playful space for everybody to want more.
Rainbow Kids Yoga online programme is experienced through an
array of videos, yoga games, dance, partner work, music, songs,
acro-balance and human pyramids. Discover new ways to connect
and use yoga as a means to teach important lessons in age-
appropriate ways. Gopala and Angel guide you through all you
need to know about teaching yoga to kids, teens & families.
Experience lectures and practical techniques, a dictionary of 300
videos with kids yoga poses and how to make it all fun!